The IBD Organic seal has a triple validity and meets at the same time. 3 standards. See below. When enrolling in IBD you must be specified to which standard you want to be certified:
IBD Seal – Market Leader: Developed for over 20 years and still valid, adapted and updated to the present.
Meets all organic certifications made by IBD Certifications domestically and is used in conjunction with the Brazilian Organic Products Seal.
Meets all certifications made for the European Common Market, and IBD is accredited with equivalent standards, and IBD Guidelines, approved by European accreditors as equivalent to the European standard.
Meets all certifications made for the North American Market (USA), and IBD is accredited with adoption of USDA / NOP standard, being valid only these.
IFOAM is the worldwide organization for the organic movement, bringing together more than 750 member organizations in 116 countries. IFOAM offers a market guarantee for organic. The Organic Guarantee System (OGS) unites the organic world through a common system of norms, verification and market identity, promotes equivalence between IFOAM participants (accredited certifiers), paving the way for a more orderly and reliable trade, giving credibility to the consumer of the organic "brand".
Step by step
Step by Step Producer Group
Guidelines met
Segments Served
Additional Information
Use of the IFOAM ACCREDITED seal is optional.
To recertify you must: